Town (Roblox) Wiki

This Item will spawn into your Inventory (` Key) when being spawned in.


The Mask covers the entire head of the user and prevents anyone from viewing their username until they're killed. Though for some reason, when equipped, the screen will turn grey and the text "Kill them all!" in all red and caps will slide across the screen. It'll also play music and the screen will blur (and un-blur) to the beat of that music.


While a cool gimmick, the mask weighs a heavy 22 pounds, meaning while wearing it, you can only carry so much, and the grey screen can get annoying especially in the dark, as it becomes impossible to see anything besides lighting. It's also harder to focus on your target when your vision is blurring every second, making it harder to aim, and even with the weight, the Mask doesn't give the user any armor either.

Pros and Cons (tl;dr)[]


  • Hides the User's Username (Identity)
  • Music, aka. Banger Song (SOMETIMES GLITCHED)
  • Gives Motivation (Mentally not physically)


  • Heavy (22 Pounds)
  • Impossible to See in the Dark
  • Excessive Blurring can make Aim Worse


  1. The Mask is the exact same model as the mask from the Robes armor, though the difference being that the robes mask doesn't affect the players screen at all.
  2. Its unknown why the Mask weighs 22 entire pounds, as it has the same feature (Hiding Username) as the Balaclava though the screen acts oddly.
    • And even then unless the mask's fabric was actually metal there's no possible way this could actually weigh 22 pounds as it doesn't even armor the head, so it can't be made out of any materials that can withstand bullets. (aka, metal, Kevlar etc.)
  3. This item is one of the heaviest ones in the entire game.
  4. The item and description is a reference to Hotline Miami.
  5. The Music played inside of the mask is : Scotty - PilotRedSun hotline miami